Play as a warrior defending the last light in the world from The Shadow that Seeks to consume it. Take on immense power as you fight hoards of shadow creatures to defend the last light

Fullscreen is highly recommended for this prototype.

Game Design Document here

WASD - Movement
Left Shift - Sprint
Mouse - For aiming and attacking
Numbers 1 to 3 - for activating abilities (When you unlock them)

Team Members - Reach Games

Discord NameRole
XariexThe sound guy (Maybe the Game Director)
RescueToastThe shader guy (Maybe the Technical Lead)
HasenführerLead Artist
Griffin5ivesThe algorithm and maths guy (Maybe the Difficulty Balance Specialist)

Known issues:

  • The difficulty curve might be a bit steep as you progress through the tiers. We encourage you to attempt to finish the prototype. For those that struggle, we have left in our development action of the F1 key that will destroy all enemies on the map.
  • Audio volumes and levels need some tweaking for a properly balanced audio profile.
  • Audio streams sometimes don't switch correctly, causing multiple soundtracks to play at once. This seems to be isolated to the Web Export
  • The title soundtrack does not play when selecting "Try Again" from the Game Over screen.

If you have stopped by to give our Pirate Jam 15 entry a try, thank you very much for your time and we welcome constructive feedback :-)


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Quite a fun game! Got to ~11k on endless before calling it quits

First some feedback

My hand hurt after playing this game, it would help if the sword attack was an auto instead of having to click so much

The gameplay is quite simplistic, it doesn't feel like there is too much skill involved in winning (although I could tell there was) and that it was just a matter of pressing the buttons and hoping for the best

In terms of game feel, this game is great! The graphics, music, and sound effects are all on point! This compounds with a general feeling of polish to create an enjoyable experience

While the laser beam felt a little weak later on, the game did a good job of making me feel like there was power behind all of my actions

Great job, keep making games!


Very cool concept and the art looks nice. Not sure if i were supposed to take damage when the enemies reached the sun? I did not take damage and eventually quit after unlocking all the abilities. Still, i can see this game going in interesting directions if you will continue working on it.


Fantastic art style. Really cool effects and loved the presentation! Shadows looked really cool.

Gameplay might benefit a bit with having the player being a bit stronger in his hits. The standard hit felt a bit powerless.

Similarly it felt that enemies were also a bit weak in their attack. Maybe there could be fewer enemies, but with bigger damage?

Admittedly we wanted to spend more time on balance and progression to make it feel better. You've highlighted something important for us that we could have explained better: the damage. When the light gets overwhelmed it will start to dim. When the light fully dims it will start taking 1 point of damage per second. The player can then clear the enemies around the light to let it shine brighter again and stop taking damage.

This is great feedback! Thanks!


So the concept is cool but it's a tad grindy and I feel like enemies should die faster, especially considering the amount of them you need to kill

So there's a funny story behind this one... Our maths guy tweaking the mechanics of enemy spawns has a deep passion for this sort of thing. 

One night we had this exchange:

Maths guy:  Woah this is intense!
<Some time passes play testing>
Maths guy: Guys! I've mastered Endless mode! I will never die!
Sound guy: But Maths guy, you built the algorithm XD

Needless to say, we learned a lot from building this and this is great feedback. Thank you!